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Choosing Appliances You Will Adore

When it comes to appliances, most people have a tendency to pay more attention to anything else when they shop: price. Unfortunately, finding cheap appliances doesn't always mean you will find good appliances. As an income property owner, I have purchased several different appliances over the years, and I can tell you first hand that not all brands are created equal. My blog is dedicated to helping you to find appliances that you will actually be able to use, abuse, and love for a long time. Check out my blog for information on what to look for, how to shop, and where to get great deals.

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Choosing Appliances You Will Adore


Broken Stove? Here's How to Know When It's Time for Professional Repair

You're ready to whip up a gourmet meal, but your kitchen stove isn't cooperating. It's a frustrating scenario, isn't it? If you're experiencing stove troubles, you might be wondering if it's time to call a professional. Here's how to identify common stove problems and when it's best to seek expert assistance. Signs Your Stove Might Be Broken First off, keep an eye out for these tell-tale signs that something's not quite right with your stove:

A Comprehensive Guide To Understanding The Various Parts Of Your Refrigerator

If you're like most modern consumers, you don't think about your refrigerator much until something goes wrong, and it stops functioning as designed — perhaps you reach for a cold beverage and discover that it's lukewarm, or maybe the freezing compartment isn't keeping foods frozen. However, understanding the various parts of your refrigerator can empower you to spot potential issues early, extend the life of the appliance, and maximize its performance. Here's what you need to know:

5 Signs That You Need Appliance Repair

Household appliances play a huge role in helping you maintain your home and belongings. When they aren't working correctly, this can disrupt your entire household. Here are a few common signs that your appliances need repair. 1. Your Appliance is Making an Odd Noise  While it's normal for an appliance to make some noise while running, this noise should be similar to white noise and your appliance should consistently make the same type of noise.

4 Reasons Why You Should Schedule Laundry Machine Repair Services If Your Machine Is Leaking

Maintaining proper hygiene is essential to keeping your family healthy and comfortable. One of the most important aspects of maintaining hygiene is doing laundry regularly. Today, most people rely on laundry machines to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Most laundry machines are durable and built to last for many years. However, like all appliances, they can experience issues from time to time. One common issue is leaking. While a small amount of leakage is not a cause for alarm, excessive leaking can signify a serious problem.

Residential Dryer Problems Professionals Can Repair For Homeowners

One of the more important appliances in your home may be the dryer, especially if you use it often to dry clothes after they come from the washer. If you have a dryer presenting these complications, you can effectively deal with them by hiring an appliance repair contractor. Inconsistent Power If you have a dryer that runs and then shuts off unexpectedly and this continues to happen, hiring an appliance repair contractor is a good idea.

4 Things That Could Be Causing Your Refrigerator to Freeze Food

When functioning correctly, your refrigerator should remain cool for safer food storage. So, when you open it and notice that your food is filled with frost, you should be concerned. Remember that freezing temperature can alter the taste and texture of your food. On the first sign of this problem, ensure that you contact a refrigerator repair technician for a remedy. Here are a few possible reasons your unit is filled with frost.

Dealing With A Broken Appliance? Why You Need To Call For Same-Day Appliance Repair

If you've got an appliance that's malfunctioned, don't wait for repairs. Contact a same-day appliance repair service. You might think that you can't afford to hire a same-day repair service, but that's not the case. In fact, you might find that you can't afford not to arrange for same-day appliance repairs. Before you wait longer than you need to for appliance repairs, read the information provided below. You'll find three great reasons to call for same-day appliance repairs.

Three Common Repairs Your Refrigerator Might Require

Refrigerator failures can rapidly cause all of your stored food to spoil. This can be extremely costly as it will require all of the contents to be replaced, and it can also increase the chances of you contracting food poisoning if you fail to notice that the refrigerator has failed. Typically, there are several types of problems that are especially common for these central appliances. A Cycling Cooling System A modern refrigerator system will have a powerful cooling unit that can keep the interior of the unit extremely cold.

3 Potential Reasons Your Furnace Has Started Blowing Out Black Dust

When you turn on your furnace, you expect warm air to start pumping out of your house vents. You don't expect the air to come with black dust. The presence of black dust around your furnace or coming out of the vents can indicate one of a few problems that range from minor to potentially fatal. For this reason, you should always get a professional heating and air conditioning appliance service company to examine the problem.

How To Deep Clean Your Dryer Lint Trap

The excess lint that collects in your dryer can be causing the clothes in your dryer to take a lot longer to dry. It can make your dryer heat up a little too hot and damage your clothing, or worse - excess lint buildup is a fire hazard. That should be reason enough to get going and clean that dryer lint trap. The safety of your family could be at risk, so follow the instructions below to clean your lint trap thoroughly and properly.

3 Possible Causes Of A Refrigerator That's Too Warm

If your refrigerator or freezer is too warm, it won't be able to preserve food effectively and could cost you a lot of money. Read on to learn what could cause this problem and how to fix it.  Cold control This is a temperature controlled switch that turns on the compressor and fan circuits whenever temperatures rise, allowing the fresh food and freezer area to remain cool enough to preserve your food.

Prolong The Life Of Your Washing Machine With These Tips

It's easy to start taking your washing machine for granted, but you'll quickly change your appreciation of this machine following a breakdown. If it's a few days before your local appliance repair person can visit your home or get the parts needed to fix the machine, you might find yourself packing up your dirty laundry and transporting it to a family member's home or a laundromat. This hassle should definitely make you appreciate your appliance and encourage you to take care of it once it's fixed.

How To Repair Dishwasher Sprayer Arms

If your dishwasher isn't getting dishes clean, it could be time to repair the upper and lower spray arms. After much use, the sprayer arms get clogged with dirt or crack. Here are some tips to fix dishwasher spray arms. Prepare to Work For this repair, you need: Philips screwdriver pipe cleaner or flexible wire sponge old toothbrush all purpose cleaner and degreasing agent sponge upper and lower replacement sprayer arms Unplug the power cord to the dishwasher, which is usually plugged into a ground fault circuit outlet that is under the kitchen sink and behind the cabinet wall.

How To Remove Mold From A Front-Loading Washing Machine

Front-loading washing machines are prone to mold and mildew. You'll know if your machine has a mold or mildew problem, as your clothes will begin to smell. You can also see the mold inside your machine on the rubber seal. If you pull the seal back, you'll see mold underneath as well. This mold can be removed with a cleaner that you probably already have in your laundry cupboard. See below for instructions on how to remove mold from your front-loading washing machine.

Are Appliance Warranties Worth the Extra Cost?

Everyone has been there: you're standing in the electronics, home improvement, or appliance store deciding on a purchase, and the salesman asks if you'd like to purchase an extended warranty. When you make a larger purchase like appliances, it's considered a pretty good-sized investment. You want to be able to have peace of mind that your new investment will work well and last a long time. But are all extra warranties offered by retailers and manufacturers worth the extra cost?

Troubleshooting Your Appliances

Large appliances play a pretty big role in our homes. They make our food, clean our dishes, wash our clothes, heat us up, and cool us down. When one stops working, it can be pretty tempting to hire a professional to take a look. However, you might be able to save a nice chunk of change by taking a look at the problem yourself. Here are some tips that you can use to troubleshoot two particularly troublesome appliances: the refrigerator and the clothes dryer.

Preventative Maintenance For A Fridge

Refrigerators are expensive. On the low end you will pay around $900 for a new fridge and can pay a lot more than that if you want better features and more space. Because this is such a large expense, you will not want to have to replace your fridge often. This means that you will want to take good care of it. Luckily, there are some preventative maintenance actions that you can take to keep your fridge running smoothly and efficiently.

Dirty Condenser Coils – The Problems It Can Cause With Your Refrigerator

How long has it been since you cleaned the condenser coil on your refrigerator? When the condenser coil becomes covered with dirt, the heat cannot escape and the temperature of the refrigerator increases. So what problems could this cause and how do you resolve the problem? Problems Caused by a Dirty Condenser Coil The lights inside the refrigerator turn on, but the unit isn't cooling. The refrigerator kicks on and turns off way more than it used to.

3 Signs That Your Refrigerator Needs To Be Professionally Repaired

It is important to make sure that your refrigerator is always running in the best manner possible. After all, you might have spent a lot of money on the food that is in there and would hate to see it all go to waste. Therefore, you want to stay mindful of the following three signs that your refrigerator needs to be professionally repaired. Extra Ice Is Forming Sure, the freezer may occasionally get some ice formations if the temperature is set too low.

The Do's And Don't Of Ceramic Cooktop Stoves | A New Owner's Guide

With that smooth clean surface and little worry of dropping or spilling food beneath burners where it is a chore to clean, there is no question that you will be well pleased with a ceramic cooktop strove in your kitchen. However, when you take in a new appliance that is a little different than what you are used to, it will always bring about a few new rules. Here are a few do's and don'ts you should know about ceramic cooktop stoves.

4 Reasons To Use Air Conditioning For Your Newly Remodeled Basement

Transforming your basement from a damp storage space to an additional living space to use for entertaining, another bedroom, or even a small guest house can all help add value to your home. After making some changes to remodel the basement, such as adding insulation and installing new floors, you need to consider the heating and cooling situation. Instead of simply setting up a floor fan, you should look into using central air conditioning.

Tips For Maintaining Your Refrigerator

Refrigerator maintenance is a key part of protecting your pantry. Here are some tips on how to keep your refrigerator fresh, working, and organized.  Keep the Door Shut A faulty seal is one of the worst things that can happen in terms of energy loss and food spoilage. You can check to make sure that the seal is working correctly by trying to stick a piece of paper in the seal.

Answering Questions About Two Common Refrigerator Problems

Your refrigerator is a critical appliance in your home. Unfortunately, your refrigerator may malfunction, and this can quickly lead to spoilage. If you have never encountered issues with your refrigerator before, you may find it extremely difficult to locate the source of the problem, let alone repair it. By carefully reviewing the following two questions and their answers regarding refrigerator repair, you may find that you have the information needed to minimize the disruptions caused by these issues.